My Father is My Hero

A recent study found a strong bond between father and daughter can help the child overcome the loneliness he experienced.

Initially, researchers from Ohio State University found that girls who were not too close to their father tended to be overwhelmed by a great sense of loneliness compared to girls who had close relations with father. This conclusion was obtained as the study published in the Journal of Family Psychology conducted a survey of nearly 700 families.

Quoting, Julia Yan as the principal researcher and doctoral program student at Ohio State University, said that the level of closeness began to decline and conflicts were increasingly common between parents and children in the time span of children in school.
According to him, because children at that time were learning to grow more independent, and began to open friendships with their peers, to spend more time outside the home. This can unconsciously foster a sense of loneliness in the child.

But Bun, when investigated further, it turns out that the level of loneliness of these children has decreased when they are surrounded by their closest friends. In fact, it can be completely lost to fathers and daughters who have close relationships.

Therefore, the researchers revealed that the figure of a father holds an important key in protecting and helping to dispel the loneliness experienced by his daughter. So what's the difference with mom? Surely Mother mumbled like that.
Begini Bun, although this research focuses more on the relationship between father and daughter, it does not mean that the mother does not have the same influence on the development of her daughter. As we know, since birth the mother has been responsible for the needs of her children. Starting from breastfeeding, eating, bathing, and so forth.

While fathers, they have different ways of showing love for their children, especially girls, with what mothers do. Father generally has unique emotional contact to interact with his daughter, which later can have a positive impact on children's development.

Well, this difference is one reason why this study prefers the point of view of father and daughter.

Researchers suggest that fathers who have daughters pay more attention to what their daughter is feeling, especially when they are sad and disappointed. For daddy, let's try to help your little one through the difficult times.

It should also be underlined, in fact there is no specific way of regulating how to foster good relations between father and daughter. Because everything returns to the treatment and attitude of the father towards his daughter. What we might do is involve ourselves more in every child's development.


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